What is Abuse?

Abusers exploit, lie, insult, demean, ignore (the “silent treatment”), manipulate, and control.

There are many ways to abuse. To love too much is to abuse. It is tantamount to treating someone as an extension, an object, or an instrument of gratification. To be...

Relationships 1603 Words

The Latitude at Free Dating Websites

I want to start this off by thanking myself for joining a free dating website. I spent so much time going to bars and clubs with my friends hoping some guy would come pick me up. I am grateful that I spent all of that time in the bar though, it taught me one thing; what type man I should stay...

Dating 332 Words

What Is a Boundary?

My clients often explain to me how they set a boundary. They tell me something like, I set a boundary. I told him he has to stop putting me down in public, or I set a boundary. I told her she has to be on time from now on, or I set a boundary. I told him he has to stop being critical of...

Relationships 755 Words

What Groucho Knew – The Key to Good ...

What Groucho Knew – The Key to Good Relationships According to Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx was, I believe, a comic genius; a linguistic virtuoso, offbeat, wacky and insanely funny. He was also rude, abrasive and these days he’d qualify as verbally abusive. In film after film...

Relationships 596 Words

The Key to Reaching the Next Level in Dating ...

The Key to Reaching the Next Level in Dating Success

Back in the days when I was a teenager, I actually had reasonable success with women, but it was far from consistent. Many of my behaviors and attitudes were anything but high-status. Having internalized what high status males actually...

Dating 802 Words

“What Does Love Mean?” See How ...

“What Does Love Mean?” See How 4-8 Year-Old Kids Describe Love

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds: “What does love mean?”

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what...

Relationships 580 Words

The Ins And Outs Of Online Dating

Dating online is a new medium and some studies have had higher success rates in getting that first date than the conventional method of going to a public place and meeting someone. The reason why there is a higher rate is because people only meet others who share the same interests.


Dating 435 Words

The Ideal Online Dating Profile

A lot of people would love to eventually find their other half. Fortunately for some, it is very elusive. Its as hard as trying to prove the existence of Bigfoot. The only thing that most people looking for love finds is depression.

However, thanks to the internet, it has sort of leveled...

Dating 431 Words

What Do We Get From Relationship Counseling?

Ideally, everyone would like to be in a good relationship. In order to have such a relationship, it is necessary for us to continually develop and maintain it.

It is indeed a lifetime commitment for us. Whatever age bracket we belong to or experience in life our relationship will...

Relationships 586 Words

The Hottest Trend In Dating: Speed Dating

Lets start by explaining what is it exactly Speed Dating. This can be arranged individually or by an organization as a Speed Dating Party with many people. The principle is the same, You participate in a fast round of short (few minutes per date) but with as many as 25 partners per session. This...

Dating 415 Words

What Can You Do About Unwelcome Gang ...

There are many reasons why younsters–and that includes boys and an increasing number of girls–join gangs. When you see your child falling under this unwelcome gang influence, here are some essential steps:

1) Communicate, communicate, communicate. You cannot over-communicate....

Relationships 214 Words

The Hottest London Venues For Marriage ...

If you are living in London and looking to propose you will be pleased to hear there is no shortage of hot venues to choose from. Below we have a look at some of the most popular.

If desert beaches and mountain tops are beyond your reach, there are plenty of unusual places that will...

Dating 333 Words