Universal Law Of Prosperity

Sowing and reaping are universal laws of nature because God set them up to be universal laws of nature. These laws work in all things. What ever is sown is ultimately what is reaped. Scriptures declare it! Here is just one.

Gal 6:7-9
7Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for...

Religion 419 Words

Politics- Is It Good At All

Politics- a word detested by most of the common people. To an ordinary person, politics is a synonym to corruption, misuse of power, money laundering and other malpractices. Politics has earned such a bad name for itself everywhere, that even the most honest political leader is looked upon with...

Politics 380 Words

Friendships – Does Difference in ...

During our school days, most of us are not concerned about the families our friends come from. One of our classmates may be from the richest family of the world, but that would not make much difference in our friendship. This thought process changes as we grow. We become conscious of our social...

Relationships 333 Words

Politics and the Internet

According to a recent poll conducted by ComputerWorld, about forty percent of the population believes that people can increase their political power by going online. Hence, many academics believe that people in western societies are becoming more technologically educated in order to gain more...

Politics 471 Words

Rescue Remedy For Financial Problems In A ...

With personal / family debt levels continually rising the pressure on marriages in continually increasing with nearly half of married couples arguing over financial issues, which makes financial problems in a marriage one of the main common marriage problems.

As the saying goes money is...

Marriage 756 Words

Green Living And Your Neighborhood

Green living is no longer a vague term known only by environmentalists. One of the ways we know that an important social trend has hit the big time is when major consumer providers adopt the term. Just about every major influencer in our society from Walmart to national broadcasting networks,...

Weddings 612 Words

Greek Wedding Favor Almonds Make Something ...

Greek Wedding Favor Almonds Make Something New of Something Old

Greek wedding favor almonds are a wonderful way to include a long-lived tradition into your wedding day. Whether you choose a traditional ceremony or something more modern, Greek wedding favor almonds can add a sense of...

Weddings 343 Words

Politics: The Corruption Curve

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” (Lord Acton)

We all like to think of ourselves as kind, honest, and benevolent. In our hearts, we are convinced that should we ever attain personal power, whether through...

Politics 826 Words

UFOs – What is The Christian View of ...

To deal with the subject of UFOs I have taught people for over thirty years to ask three very important questions. Almost everyone Christian or not has asked questions regarding UFOs. What I noticed years ago was that unbelievers only asked two of the three questions. Believers are compelled by...

Religion 634 Words

Is it Safe For You To Join the Ranks of

Is it Safe For You To Join the Ranks of the Millions of Online Daters?

According to CBC, there are over 40 million visitors to online dating sites in the US and 7 million in Canada. Although these numbers may seem staggering, there are millions of other still who are hesitant to delve...

Dating 327 Words

Walls Industries Ranch Wear Shirts, Tops, ...

When it comes to your work wear, you demand better. Going to a thrift store is not an option. Getting a discounted price is grand, but you demand the best. You often utilize shirts, tops, or blouses, and Walls Industries ranch wear is often the first stop for those demanding more of their...

Weddings 519 Words

Friendship Test- Do Friends Love Talking To ...

You must be having a large group of friends. You also deal with many people in your job or business. You interact with people at every stage of your life. Do you find that you love talking to one person and avoid talking to another? You must have noticed that. What is the difference between...

Relationships 280 Words