Engagement Rings: Finding The Perfect Ring

Need help finding a perfect engagement ring? These style-savvy tips will help you find the perfect engagement ring and perhaps give you the inspiration you seek in finding a diamond engagement ring that fully expresses your feelings.

No other jewellery item says love more powerfully than...

Relationships 527 Words

How to Seduce Her and Get Her to Trust You

How to Seduce Her and Get Her to Trust You – ONLINE!

Before you start looking for the woman that you want, make a clear idea of the type of woman you are after in your mind.

Now you can set some specific details, which are more important for you, like: she has to be a good...

Dating 769 Words

marriage tip#1: It is OK to be Single

Here are 7 Tips for single woman from people who have a happy and long-term marriage

Tip #1: It is OK to be Single

First of all, DONT PANIC. Remember:

* There is no shame being single!
* Marriage is not for everyone!
* No need to marry a fool!

Marriage is...

Marriage 307 Words

Understanding Planetary Positions: What Is ...

Vedic astrology is an age old astrological practice that originated in India in the vedic period. This astrology is even now prevalent in India and in fact it has experienced a renaissance in the last few decades. Millions of people are turning to Vedic astrology world wide to know about their...

Weddings 378 Words

The Frog In The Pot: Complacency costing us ...

The Frog In The Pot: Complacency costing us our rights, our families, our souls

No doubt you’ve heard the story of the Frog in the Pot: If a frog is dropped into a pot of scalding water, it will sense the danger and immediately jump out. However, if a frog is dropped into a pot of...

Religion 951 Words

Friendwise: A Popular Social Networking ...

Social networking websites, they are all over the internet. While many would assume a large selection of networks is good, the selection often makes it difficult to find a quality social networking website. If you are interested in meeting new friends online, you are advised against signing up...

Weddings 587 Words

Marriage Should not be a Compromise

Everyone has heard the old adage that marriage is all about compromise. That should not always be the case, though! Every issue should not be about compromise or your marriage will seem like a constant business negotiation, and someone will always feel slightly cheated. This can lead to...

Marriage 397 Words

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Lets read; 2Pe 1:20. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Interpretating Revelations is as with other Books of the Bible, comes from inspiration. We all have views that must be expressed with the utmost...

Religion 1447 Words

Monaco Gets Active And Opens New US Embassy

With a population of under 40,000 Monaco could be forgiven for believing that overseas embassies were an unnecessary expense.

Until now the world’s second smallest country has been content to co-operate with French embassies around the world for any necessary...

Politics 653 Words

How To Score A Second Date?

Does he look like your dream guy? If there is a blush on your face and you are nodding your head in a positive direction, then girl, you are definitely desiring to fix dates. Meeting once would leave you craving for a second date.

Just follow these moves to win over your man’s heart...

Dating 270 Words

The Floating Forest Theory Sinks

One explanation used by young-earth proponents to explain that all coal seams formed during the Flood is the concept of the floating forest, which can be found on the Answers in Genesis website, written by Carl Wieland. There are actually four articles on the web that we will consider when...

Religion 1216 Words

Engagement Parties

Engagement parties are a great way to announce your engagement to the world. In addition, they’re an excellent opportunity for your families and friends to get to know each other.

Engagement parties are usually scheduled within a couple of months of the engagement. There are no...

Relationships 306 Words