Mark Foley – Gay Congressman ...

Florida Congressman Mark Foley has resigned from Congress amid charges and allegations that he had inappropriate e-mail contacts with a former teenage page in the House of Representatives. So whats the real deal? Whats really going on? You can read the mainline press, and watch television, but...

Politics 982 Words

Marriage Counseling: When To Save Your ...

Happiness and fulfillment are two great components of a successful marriage. The absence of which, along with other things, may eventually cause marital disasters.

The most basic principle that marriage counseling teaches is to save an existing relationship from total destruction and to...

Marriage 575 Words

Spending a day with God.

To be able to develop a close relationship with God, we need to spend quality time with Him. We need to study His Word, and let His Holy Spirit speak to us through it. We require time to spend in earnest prayer, talking to Him, praising and worshiping Him. We need time to look at nature and...

Religion 462 Words

Don’t Let Anxiety And Fear Ruin Your ...

Do not let your fears stop you from being in a relationship. Some people may be afraid of getting into a relationship because they may not be able to handle the stresses and anxieties in the relationship. Well here are some tips to help manage these stresses and fears.

Dont anticipate...

Relationships 324 Words

How To Impress Your Date With Confidence

Dating can be stressful and nerve wracking. You might feel like you are under a microscope and all your failures and faults are exposed in the open. But you can make things easier on yourself by boosting your confidence. You’ll be much more attractive to any date when you exude self...

Dating 669 Words

Marriage Counseling: Use the Waiter Rule to ...

Marriage Counseling: Use the Waiter Rule to Evaluate a Date or Partner

Working my way through college, I waited tables and tended bar. Though I have several degrees with an emphasis on human behavior and psychology, I swear I learned more about people from slinging hash and pouring...

Marriage 804 Words

Dont Just Say Youre Sorry Prove It

The words, Im sorry can get us out of trouble when weve done something wrong or hurt someone we care about but the key to a good apology is really meaning it and convincing the other person that you are truly remorseful. Apologizing just for the sake of keeping the peace is not an effective way...

Relationships 766 Words

How To Impress Women The Easy Way!

Most men have their own way on how they can attract women. It only requires some moves to impress her. There are some obvious acts in a mans behavior that makes a man to impress a woman. Look on how a man behaves in front of woman. There are certain approaches that may be observed in some...

Dating 735 Words

Trusting Excel FR Jackets For Your Outerwear ...

There are times in your busy work day where you simply need to get hot, and your outerwear better be able to get just as hot as you. Trusting a company to keep you safe means trusting your life to that company. Would you pick a fly by night company, or a company that has little history in this...

Weddings 520 Words

Forced Sterilization In America And Canada

We are lucky to have a choice about our birth control options. Some people, world-wide, have not been given that choice. Forced sterilizations have been performed in the United States and Canada as well as globally. Find out why these atrocities were committed, and learn about your contraceptive...

Weddings 639 Words

How To Hold A Girl’s Hands

Are you looking for opportunities to connect with a girl? Then holding her hand is the perfect means of reaching out to her. Whether you are beginning a relationship or growing it, here are three sure ways to connect and hold her hand.

Gimme Five

Gimme five is a classic opportunity...

Dating 781 Words

Marriage Counseling: Marriage is Good for ...

Marriage Counseling: Marriage is Good for Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Marriage keeps you healthy, US government researchers reported in December. According to a new study by the Center for Disease Control, married people are less likely to smoke, drink heavily or be physically...

Marriage 732 Words