Will you be my bridesmaid? The all-important question you may ask your best friend or even your sister, who you want to be your bridesmaid or maid or honor. You would want the important person in your life to be there for you and be a part of your most memorable day. It is a special moment...
Bush’s Holy Cronies have feet of clay
DETROIT — Deception, arrogance, greed, hubris, corruption, incompetence and isolation — the seven deadly sins of political life — snared President George W. Bush and his cronies long ago. That’s how they gained and maintain power.
While praying and thumbing their...
Creating Family Traditions On Your Wedding ...
Do you remember what is was like to be a little girl and dream of your wedding day? How many of you pictured yourself in your mothers dress or wearing your grandmothers necklace from her wedding day?
Heirlooms can be anything from a bracelet to a handkercheif, but there is something to...
The Ammonites-Index Fossils
Ammonites have been known to mankind for thousands of years. They are the source of many stories and myths. The name of this spiral-shelled cephalopod comes from the Egyptian god Ammon. Ammon was pictured as a man with the horns of a ram protruding from his head. The curled ammonite shells...
Create a List to Keep Your Wedding Plans ...
Youve decided to get married congratulations! Planning a wedding is an exciting time, even though it may seem overwhelming at first. If you cannot afford to hire a wedding organizer, or if you want to do it on your own, the most important item you will need is a list of all the important...
Bush Gets Caught Swearing on Open Mika At G8 ...
Bush Gets Caught Swearing on Open Mika At G8 Summit
President Bush today uttered a colorful expletive while referring to Hezbollah in what he thought was a private conversation with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The two were attending a lunch at a G8 summit and speaking candidly...
Dressing Tips For College Guys
What does one need in order to fit into a certain college group? Is dressing that important to a college guy? Will an ugly or fair looking guy be popular if he dresses up nicely? Well, the fact is that there are so many things that can affect your status in a certain college or university. The...
Keep Your Diet in Check on Halloween
The biggest problem with these Halloween sweets is that they have plenty of calories per serving and little nutritional value. Plus, the smaller fun-size treats often fool dieters into thinking that they can eat multiple pieces without harming their diets. But t only takes 9 of these mini-candy...
Double Your Dating Confidence
The first step to becoming the confident guy youve always wanted to be is to close your eyes and imagine every aspect of his character. Without a very vivid picture of who you want to become, youll never become him.
I want you to take a moment to ponder each one of these questions: How...
Adultery as Sexual Addiction: Should You ...
I outline 7 kinds of affairs in my E-book, “Break Free From the Affair.” One affair, “I Can’t Say NO!” is characterized by addictive tendencies. Infidelity (as well as pornography, strip clubs, online chatting, compulsive masturbation, etc.) may be a part of the...
Have You Got Your Numerology Report Made?
The foundation stone of numerology is your date of birth. Well, it something that is given to you without your asking. There must be an underlying divine grace for it. Going by this belief, there can’t be a mistake in it as it is the divine gift. So, the foundation stone of numerology...
The American Struggle Against Drunk Driving
In recent years, two organizations have been formed to combat the deadly menace of drunk drivers. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) was formed to stop drunk driving, support the victims of it and prevent underage drinking. SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) was created to provide...