GOD’s will

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

On the sixth day of creation God created human beings in His own image. God let human beings have dominion over all of His...

Religion 365 Words

Does The Perfect Dating Profile Exist?

Is there such a thing as the perfect online dating profile? Probably not, but there are some things you can do to make sure that your profile catches the attention of the profile browsers.

Keep it short and simple

Some online dating sites give you a number of words to use in your...

Dating 410 Words

The Advantages And Downsides Of Online Dating

Online dating is gaining in popularity all the time and is becoming more accepted. Online dating is a safe and practical way for people interested in a long term relationship to get to know one another.

Obviously the idea of online dating is very different from how couples have...

Weddings 537 Words

Bombers of the Second World War

The Lancaster is probably the most famous of all the bombers of the second world war. According to Capt. Donald Macintosh (ex-second world war bomber pilot, and author) it was a lot smoother to fly than the Wellington; the experience of which was close to that of a fighter plane (with no...

Politics 1162 Words

Cory Lidle-What Really Happened And Why?

Cory Lidle and Tyler Stanger, his flight instructor crashed into a high rise apartment building this week. What does his death teach us about good solid decision making in our own lives. First of all, accidents resulting in death in private plane accidents are fairly common, and certainly much...

Weddings 1070 Words

Who Suffers More In A Divorce?

The name divorce has been a household word for people who need it, or just take it as fashion on self-realization for the never ending illusion for the search of Miss or Mr. Right for a mate in life. Even in the confines of the most settled or established homes the word divorce hovers as a...

Divorce 705 Words

Gods Happiness Principle

Happiness is the state of feeling content. Are you happy? Can you honestly say that youre content at all times? Or, could it be that you are an emotional roller coaster: happy when things go according to your way; and sad, frustrated or mad when theyre not?

You only need to do a Google...

Religion 681 Words

When Does a Child Custody Battle Go Too Far? ...

When Does a Child Custody Battle Go Too Far? This was our story…

A divorce is stressful enough, but when child custody is involved it can get ugly really quick. Unfortunately, there are times when the underlying reason for child custody isnt about the children at all. Its just one...

Divorce 979 Words

It Takes A City: Strengthening Families

Increasingly, local government leaders recognize that building stronger families and improving outcomes for their children and young people are the keys to long-term social and economic success.

“A community’s quality of life can be measured by the opportunities available to...

Society 323 Words

Blood Extravasation: Israels Journey to the ...

Western civilizations lone bastion in the Middle East has lost sight of its holistic long-term visage, and is behaving like a fracturalized cornered animal, lashing at all within its grasp. Israel fails to remember Chaim Weizmanns precursor to entering Palestine, an inclusive benefice for both...

Politics 1103 Words

The 411 Of Proper Wedding Dance Etiquette

Although the old days had a very basic structure to the wedding schedule of events, times have changed and those rules dont always apply anymore. So, when it comes to who dances with whom, there are multiple answers.

Lining up the dance partners

It should go without saying that the...

Weddings 400 Words

Does She Already Have A Child? Deal With It.

You should give unconditional love without any expectation. When you love somebody unconditionally, you are ready to do anything for that person, surely, if she returns your feelings.

However, what happens if your loved one has already a child? This should not be a problem for you if you...

Dating 608 Words