Joint Custody in Divorce

There had been a growing trend, in Ontario, in family and divorce law, over the last few years, for family courts to order joint custody of children. The hope, by some, was that the parenting skills of the parties could be improved with awards of joint custody. The recent Ontario Court of Appeal...

Divorce 478 Words

American Flag History

Every flag has a history of its own and if one delves deep, a fascinating story comes to light. The American flag is no exception.

Nobody knows for sure who first designed the Stars and Stripes, though there are some commonly accepted stories about the origin of the flag. According to one...

Politics 279 Words

Starting a wedding consultancy

For centuries the main role of the woman was to take care of the house and children. Planning and organizing their children’s wedding was something that they dreamed of. But today most women have stressful jobs and not much free time which has created huge growth in the need for...

Weddings 481 Words

Dating Tips: Creating Sexual Tension

Sexual tension is paramount in any interaction with a woman.

It is the energy, or charge of the interaction. Its application is subtle, but powerful.

There are many different conceptualizations of sexual tension floating around in the seduction community.

Some examples of...

Dating 913 Words

Collegiate Shoes, Collegiate Scrubs, And ...

Collegiate Shoes, Collegiate Scrubs, And Collegiate Apparel For The Medical Professional

As a medical or healthcare professional, you demand the best for your patient. Therefore, when you go shopping for medical scrubs, medical uniforms, or medical shoes you demand the best in your...

Weddings 523 Words

Start Your Own Tradition Of Wealth With ...

Have you noticed one of those floor clocks with their rather heavy price tags? Once youve realized the essence behind these floor clocks, youd think theyre actually underpriced.

So whats Causing the Rave?

So whats with these long-case clocks thats been causing raves? Ever noticed...

Weddings 504 Words

If you think divorce is the only ...

Going through the Pain Barrier

Nobody likes pain but its there for a purpose. I am a long time supporter of The Leprosy Mission and one of the things that Ive discovered about leprosy is that its not normally the disease that results in a persons fingers or toes falling off, its...

Divorce 2498 Words

Cold Weather Work Uniforms

Working outdoors in the cold weather can be quite harsh, but that doesnt mean you should make it harsh on your employees too. In fact, it is your responsibility to protect your employees with all the protection and comfort at work that you can. That means, you must invest in some cold weather...

Weddings 526 Words

American Corporatism At Its Best

Robert Redford and James Caan were right on the money.

Back in 1975 my fiance prodded me to see two movies. Little did I know back then these two cinema releases were very foretelling about our nations future.

In Three Days Of The Condor, Robert Redford, played a maverick CIA...

Politics 785 Words

How Do You Know If Your Charity Wristbands ...

How Do You Know If Your Charity Wristbands Donation Is Getting Where It Should?

You might have seen your friends and other people wearing colorful wristbands. After all they have become a great sight and an evolving fashion trend as well. But do you know that they are actually available...

Society 585 Words

Dating Tips Use Your Friends

Having friends is a valuable gift that must be cherished on a daily basis. Im not talking only about your best friends, the ones you call when youre in trouble, or when you need to share your deepest thoughts and fears, Im talking also about your buddies, your colleagues, your acquaintances, and...

Dating 649 Words

Family Well Being Promised To Christians

There are too many Scriptures to cite here which show that we can pray in faith for our family. Over and over again, we are told that it will go well with our children. These many Scriptures demonstrate the great fact that our families are included in the promises from God to Abraham....

Religion 1252 Words