Hearing Aids – Beautiful Music To The ...

Loss of hearing is perhaps as normal, if not more, as losing hair with age. Reduction of hearing can also be caused by illness, certain medicines and in a large number of cases; it could be a birth defect.

Diminishing of hearing, however, can be helped with the use of hearing aides, which...

Society 470 Words

Healthy Neighborhoods Make Healthier Kids

Experts say many communities across the nation are becoming less healthy, a dangerous trend that can harm children’s health.

Often, these problems exist because the way communities are designed can have serious health consequences, especially for children and families.


Society 309 Words

Affirmative Action, Is It Good Or Bad?

This article does not discuss the legalities of affirmative action, I leave that to the courts. This article is solely about the philosophy of affirmative action.

According to Wikipedia, affirmative action “is a policy or a program promoting the representation in various systems of...

Politics 1251 Words

Dating Quiz- Is Shyness Your Problem?

I heard a boy saying that he was shy and good-looking. He was saying the bad looking boys who are not shy attract girls. That made me think not about looks, but about shyness. It is not that only men are shy. Women may be shyer. Quiz yourself if you are looking in the wrong direction to find out...

Dating 282 Words

Christian Wedding Songs

Weddings are a joyous celebration of the love and bond between two people who have chosen to come together as one. They are usually conducted in front of a minister or priest, in order to celebrate the solemnity of the occasion and to make it more binding in the eyes of God and man. And what...

Weddings 659 Words

Health Issues Concerning Asian Women

Did you know that Asian American women are at high risk for developing osteoporosis? Statistics actually show that Asian women in the United States have many of the same risk factors as Caucasian women. If you are Asian American woman, it is important that you understand what osteoporosis is and...

Society 432 Words

Snickers Workwear 3212 Trousers Road Test

If you have been observant, you will have noticed many workers wearing Snickers Workwear recently. Snickers seem to be the latest big thing in the work wear and safety industry. Not one to be behind the times we decided to try a pair of the Snickers 3212 trousers.

On first inspection, the...

Weddings 637 Words

Does Armageddon Have Anything To Do With ...

Popular culture enjoys different scenarios of the Armageddon catastrophe and there are many movies, songs and books written on the subject. People just love to speculate about how the world will end. Throughout the ages and even today there are all kinds of theories as to when it will happen....

Religion 570 Words

Choosing Your Wedding Vows

Just like anything else in your wedding, your vows can reflect on who you are. You may choose a traditional, a religious, a customized, an interfaith, a multilingual, the possibilities are endless. A wedding vow is a set of promises you and your groom make to each other during the wedding...

Weddings 403 Words

Dating Quiz – Is Magnetic Pull Present?

What happens for the first time when a girl meets a boy? It can be either attraction, or revulsion or neutral reaction. When a boy meets a girl, he may find her beautiful attractive, charming. Good speaker, intelligent or having some quality that may attract the boy to the girl. That is like a...

Dating 348 Words

Divorce and Hidden Assets

Not surprisingly, assets are often hidden in a divorce situation. Why – well simply greed, or the feelings of betrayal or anger at the need to divide assets in the divorce, or the fear of not having enough after the divorce all motivate the behavior of hiding assets.

In divorce,...

Divorce 659 Words

Healing Anger and Violence in Our Society

I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted in the development of a profound six-step healing process, called Inner Bonding, which anyone can learn and use throughout the day...

Society 631 Words