Discover Romance And Compatibility With ...

Some people seem to be natural romantics, while others appear to be romantically challenged. To determine how romantic someone is, look at the height and quality of the Mount of Venus. If the mount is high and firm, the person is a true romantic.

If the mount is high and spongy, the...

Religion 909 Words

Choosing your wedding photographer

The most important thing to remember is, Photographs are your lasting reminder of your wedding day. They will remind you of the atmosphere of your wedding, your dress, family, and guests. They will be on display in your home, and are a record of the most special day of your life for you to look...

Weddings 887 Words

Smoking: Good, Bad, Or Just Not Ideal?

Smoking has always been one of those subjects that is rarely talked about. Smoking is a habit forming way for people to relieve stress and enjoy a little part of life. The problem is a lot of people find it annoying when people light up a cigarette or cigar for a smoke.

First lets talk...

Weddings 326 Words

Dating Personals: Photo Tips

You’re ready to try online dating. You’ve polished your profile, and your best friend has concluded that you are so attractive that even they would like to date you. It’s come to that time! Somebody online who posted a dating personal wants to see what you look like. What...

Dating 838 Words

Addiction: When Gambling Becomes a Problem

While most people enjoy casino gambling, sports betting, lottery and bingo playing for the fun and excitement it provides, others may experience gambling as an addictive and distractive habit. Statistics show that while 85 percent of the adult population in the US enjoys some type of gambling...

Politics 490 Words

Have Too Much? Give It To Charity!

Every person I know has a house filled with many things. Go into your bedroom and look in your closet. I am quite sure that you do not wear all of the clothes you see (although congratulations if you do!). And I am equally sure that you do not really need all ten pairs of similar black dress...

Society 554 Words

Have a cause? Wear a rubber wristband!

They are the hottest wearable right now, despite the fashion gurus adding the adjective ‘once trendy’ while referring to them. Yes we’re talking about rubber wristbands. You can’t escape them anymore. Be it evacuees at Gaza or NBA football stars, all are wearing these...

Society 473 Words

Disasters–What Did Jesus Say to Us?

Peggy Kannaday
(Luke 13:1-5)

What did Jesus say to do in a time of disaster? There were two disasters that The Lord talked about.

The first one was about those who lost their lives because of Pilate, and also those who lost their lives...

Religion 627 Words

Divorce and Alimony Formula

In divorce, a common question is, “what is the alimony formula”. Well, there really is no set alimony formula for divorce. This is in complete contrast to child support, which is decided based upon a specific formula in each state. Alimony is based on factors and those factors are...

Divorce 747 Words

Smart Wedding Planning – A Quick Guide ...

Smart Wedding Planning – A Quick Guide to Saving Money on Your Wedding Day

If you’ve begun to research reception venues, photographers, and other “high-ticket” items on your wedding to-do list, you’ve undoubtedly experienced a good case of sticker shock by...

Weddings 439 Words

Choosing Your Wedding Dress

Hes proposed and it is time to make a decision on the most important detail of every little girls dream: the wedding dress. Should it be sleeveless, short, long, lacey, sequined or plain? So many questions to ask yourself, although you are sure of one thing, it needs to be perfect.


Weddings 604 Words

Add Me to the List, Mr. Blair

The terrorists are winning. Gradually but perceptibly, the USA and the United Kingdom (UK) are shedding their liberal democratic veneer, axing their traditions, reinterpreting their constitution (USA) and case law (UK) and, thus, becoming police states.

Both the US Patriot Act, recently...

Politics 458 Words