18 Ways To Join The Illuminati

The idea of a secret cabal of mysterious forces that make up the Illuminati has for some a “romantic” appeal. Granted that appeal may be filled with fear but it’s a concept they hold on to in spite of reason.

Most of the Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists (PCT) have a habit...

Politics 492 Words

Sexy web cam shows to blow your mind

You must have tried out the innumerable number of porn sites that are all over the internet and have been still craving for something a bit more. Well this is what happens to most surfers who are looking forward to a little bit of extra for their desire but none can deliver the dreams. Tread...

Sexuality 450 Words

What To Include In The Wedding Reception ...

Never assume you have the wedding reception venue retained unless you have a written contract. At the very least, you must make sure the following things are part of your contract.

Everything that you agree on verbally should become part of the contract between you and your wedding...

Weddings 332 Words

Relationship – Sacrificing Values Can ...

Every relationship demands sacrifices. Every relationship demands adjustment. It is give and take all the way. Some call it compromise. Others call it negotiation of needs. Whatever you call it, the truth is that we accept what our partner wants despite our being against it and vice versa many...

Relationships 285 Words

Read the letters carefully and learn more ...

Read the letters carefully and learn more about your beloved one

You can meet someone really great online. It can either be a long distance relationship with Russian bride or even someone from your city or state. Both of you seem to have perfect match and you can’t wait to get her...

Dating 1434 Words

Leeds Stag Weekend Ideas

Your mates decided to tie the proverbial knot and you get the task of giving him one last night to remember? If youre looking to make your mates stag night more than just another night on the town, heres a few ideas for stag weekends in Leeds that will set the wedding party off on the fun...

Weddings 405 Words

Sexually Addicted? 10 Important Questions to ...

There are many things in our culture that grab us and won’t let go. Sometimes sex is one of them. Perhaps that’s the case for you or your spouse/partner.

Sexual addiction plays a prominent role in the “I Can’t Say No” kind of extramarital affair I outline in...

Sexuality 291 Words

Relationship – Know Your Partners ...

We acquire our values from different sources. In the beginning our values are given to us by our parents. Speak truth, help others, do this and do not do that and things like that. After sometime, we get more values in our education. We read about values of great people and try to live by some...

Relationships 291 Words

Quiz For Men – Do You Know what women ...

Quiz For Men – Do You Know what women Prefer – Looks Or Money?

Men and women have different roles in the society. Both the sexes also have different choices. Talking about gender equality cannot ignore the biological differences. Gender equality does not mean that women and...

Dating 246 Words

Learning To Communicate With Deaf People

Life seems to pass us by without much thought for how lucky we really are. Imagine what it would be like to wake up one morning and be confronted by absolute silence. No ticking clock. No people talking. No dishes clanging. Nothing. Thats the reality that some people live. Now think about how...

Weddings 490 Words

18 In 08 Gets My Vote

On October 1, I had the privilege to come to Rutgers to see a screening of 18 in ’08, a documentary produced by David Burstein, a Haverford College freshman. The documentary’s purpose: to get out the youth (18 to 24 year-old) vote and tell politicians how to make it...

Politics 861 Words

Sexual Attraction – Addiction or ...

Megan asked the following questions in one of our phone sessions: Over and over, when Im really attracted to a man and I sleep with him fairly early in the relationship, I discover that he is not good husband material. What am I doing wrong? Am I just attracted to the wrong kind of...

Sexuality 695 Words