Online Dating for Christian Singles

Most people consider online dating as an option in getting to know other people outside of their circle. For Christian singles, online dating has becomes one of safest portals for meeting other people. Online dating is an alternative option in getting to know other people outside of their...

Dating 386 Words

The Umbrella Of Nuclear Mushroom

Deliberations over the UN sanctions against North Korea or Iran for their nuclear programs bring to memory the League of Nations talk before the WWII. Was German refusal to pay reparations a casus belli? Re-militarization of Rhineland? Extensive military production? No single such issue is a...

Politics 584 Words

Mid Life…The Time Between Growing Up ...

What is Mid life in relationship to myself? Is it a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual awakening? It may very well be a little of all.

I dont know the day or the time it happened but I had a realization of what it is to live inside my own skin. This outer part that attracts...

Relationships 504 Words

Wedding Reception Site Rental Check List

When you book your reception site, be sure that you understand what is and is not included in the rental fee. Each facility is different, so you have to clarify with the manager of the property what can be provided by the venue, and what you must provide. As always, make sure that everything you...

Weddings 441 Words

Online Dating Etiquette

Online dating is very easy and convenient. You can meet people, talk to them, even if you sit in front of your computer in your pajamas and curlers in your hair.

But even if online dating takes out the pressure to dress to impress, this means you have to be extra careful about the way...

Dating 439 Words

How To Choose The Sexual Lubricant Right For ...

Using sexual lubricants during sexual intercourse, masturbation and for use with sex toys enhances the experience for most people. The slippery texture of a lubricant adds to the sensual feel of almost any sexual encounter with a partner or when you are engaged in self-pleasure. It can also...

Sexuality 523 Words

I Grew Up In Area 51

I’ve often wondered whether the Alien Abduction Phenomenon was really as well known in groups that are not particularly inclined to learn anything about this subject. You know the type I mean. There are scores of folks, some whom I know personally, who not only have never heard of, or have...

Weddings 828 Words

The Uganda Scheme

Theodore Herzl, the visionary who founded Zionism, was an assimilated Jew, who did not consider Palestine the optimal choice for a resurgent Jewish nationalism.

When the British offered to him a homeland in East Africa (today’s Uganda), he accepted and proposed it to the Sixth...

Politics 200 Words

Mental Abuse – The 7 Most Important ...

Mental Abuse – The 7 Most Important Things To Know

1. Sticks and stones wont break my bones and words wont leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash.


Relationships 926 Words

How To Become A Good Kisser

Kissing is something that one could talk about over and over again and never get bored. Nothing is better than a good kiss. Nothing makes the birds seem to sing louder, the grass seem greener than a great kiss. You’ve seen articles about kissing, but not really too much about methods. ...

Sexuality 812 Words

How to Attract A Woman

Touching/physical contact is an absolutely vital component of seduction. You cant successfully pick-up a girl without first establishing a basic level of mutual tactility I.E. Before you can move in for the kill by kissing and/or sleeping with her, you MUST first have a regular, healthy amount...

Sexuality 707 Words

Online Dating Dos and Donts

Virtual reality and artificial intelligence nowadays solve problems that we find almost impossible to solve in real life. One of the problems that is being solved expertly on the great world wide web is that of creating well matched couples and finding people perfect partners. In case you are...

Dating 523 Words