President Searching With A Fine Tooth Comb

With the race for the President’s post heating up, the question on everybody’s mind is “Who will be the next President of the United States?” And this is not merely a question that remains limited to the minds of its citizens. The size of the United States of America, in...

Politics 417 Words

President Bush Videos – Great ...

Many different video web sites are popping up all over the internet, especially after the success of Why didnt I think of the concept of putting up a web site where people can post their own videos? This type of web site is such an easy idea, but many people overlooked the...

Politics 397 Words

President Bush And The Great Myths Of Iraq

What a world we live in. Lets look at Iraq. We know the President said ostensibly that the reason for invading was to find weapons of mass destruction, and prevent Saddam Hussein from using them. His removal from office could create a new democratic Iraq. America invaded and found no weapons of...

Politics 1163 Words

President Bush Contrasting The Decision ...

President Bush Contrasting The Decision Making Skills Of Jfk And George W. Bush

Presidents of the United States can only make decisions based on the information they are getting from the people and other sources that are available to them. Different Presidents obtain that data flow in...

Politics 1111 Words

Preparing for the Next Terror Attack — ...

Preparing for the Next Terror Attack — Are we ready?

Intelligence experts believe that it is only a matter of time before there is another terrorist attack in the U.S. With the recent scares in New York and Baltimore and the deadly terrorist bombings in Bali, Egypt, London and...

Politics 430 Words

Politics- Is It Good At All

Politics- a word detested by most of the common people. To an ordinary person, politics is a synonym to corruption, misuse of power, money laundering and other malpractices. Politics has earned such a bad name for itself everywhere, that even the most honest political leader is looked upon with...

Politics 380 Words

Politics and the Internet

According to a recent poll conducted by ComputerWorld, about forty percent of the population believes that people can increase their political power by going online. Hence, many academics believe that people in western societies are becoming more technologically educated in order to gain more...

Politics 471 Words

Politics: The Corruption Curve

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” (Lord Acton)

We all like to think of ourselves as kind, honest, and benevolent. In our hearts, we are convinced that should we ever attain personal power, whether through...

Politics 826 Words

Political Promotional Products: An Effective ...

According to a recent article by Jim Kuhnhenn, presidential candidates are planning to spend more than ever before on advertising. For instance, Kuhnhenn says Barack Obama has spent more than $2.7 million in ad spending in Iowa alone, according to data compiled by other presidential campaigns....

Politics 348 Words

Political Ideologies: Pacifism

For pacifism one agrees tipologia of opinion, in ideological kind, founded on the conviction that the conflicts between various be communities(, etnie, etc.) or between various factions to the inside of the same community, they must be resolved without to resort to the military...

Politics 868 Words

Only the Delusioned Now Support Bush

DETROIT — The last semblance of broad public support for President George W. Bush is the diminishing number of Americans who continue to believe his administration does a good job with national security. “Bush makes me feel safer,” they foolishly proclaim.

Those who...

Politics 1628 Words

On the Nature of Evil

In psychological terms, evil is an aberration of the ego. An evil ego has a strong desire to dominate other egos. An evil person knows that terror is the most effective way to dominate other people because terror induces incapacitating fear. People who are stricken with fear cannot take...

Politics 1600 Words