Containing the United States

European intellectuals yearned for the mutually exclusive: an America contained and a regime-changed Iraq. The Chinese are more pragmatic – though, bound by what is left of their Marxism, they still ascribe American behavior to the irreconcilable contradictions inherent in...

Politics 1616 Words

Conspiracy Theory On Sandy Berger Scandal

On July, 19, 2004 the Associated Press revealed that the former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger was being investigated by the US Justice Department and the FBI in connection for a misdemeanor, specifically, mishandling of classified documents. Apparently, Sandy Berger took it upon...

Politics 570 Words

Consistency in the law;The Death Penalty

The United States constitution was designed to provide equal protection under the law. However, from some of the recent stories which have been publicized, it is apparent that the law lacks consistency. Consistency in the law would ultimately mean that for every particular crime of which one is...

Politics 413 Words

Conflict in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) ...

India and Pakistan have in the past fought four wars over J&K and held several talks to resolve the 56 year old problem, but till now no tangible results have emerged, except for a composite dialogue. Although, both India and Pakistan are trying to move the peace process ahead, yet there...

Politics 958 Words

Confessions Of A War Criminal

I am a war criminal. Yes, you heard correctlya war criminal! Let me explain why.

In 1971, then Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and portrayed American soldiers as murderers, rapists and torturers who ravaged the countryside of South...

Politics 669 Words

Communicating Democrats Agenda For The ...

All the polls today point to a significant Democratic advantage, both on how the parties are handling the key issues as well as how people will vote on Election Day.

Yet, as early November approaches, Democrats would be wise to understand that they are where they are, not because of their...

Politics 824 Words

Colors of the American Flag

I would imagine that even before the ink on the Declaration of Independence had dried, the sentences: “Are we gonna have a flag? We gotta have a flag! Britain has a flag!” were echoed by members of the Continental Congress. But then, a flag is important. It is a symbol representing...

Politics 782 Words

Cnn’s Lou Dobbs – The Minister ...

Cnn’s Lou Dobbs – The Minister Of ‘Propaganda And Enlightenment’ – [Part 2 Of 2]

[…Continued from Part 1]

Over the years, every wave of immigration into the United States has faced fear and hostility, especially during times of economic hardship,...

Politics 1426 Words

CNN’s Lou Dobbs – The Minister ...

CNN’s Lou Dobbs – The Minister Of ‘Propaganda And Enlightenment’ – [Part 1 Of 2]

Before we proceed further we need to define the word: “Propaganda.”

According to — Propaganda is a type of message aimed at...

Politics 1566 Words

Clarity Crafted From Common Sense!

A massive show of political unity at home will affect troop morale, on both sides!

Lets face it; we are all liberals, no matter how conservative we may be. The Puritans who founded America conquered dangers and disasters to win religious freedom, but they were liberals. In 1754, Benjamin...

Politics 681 Words

Choosing the Best News Media Type – ...

Choosing the Best News Media Type – TV, Radio or Newspapers

In the world today, we are constantly faced with new world events. We hear about how terrorist bombings are going on all over the world, about stocks going up and down, and about crime offenders being reprimanded. These...

Politics 391 Words

China Is Really Number Two

China’s coming on strong while our leaders chase the terrorists across the globe.

Recently much international press fanfare was generated acknowledging that China had replaced Great Britain as the world’s fourth largest economy.

Nobody argues nowadays that China has the...

Politics 735 Words