Attention Democrats

Attention far left Democrats and all the rest, of you Democrats, who are too afraid of the far left or to hungry for power to stand up for America. Stop insulting me, stop ridiculing me, stop trying to run my life, stop trying to take away my freedoms and stop endangering me and my loved ones....

Politics 1083 Words

Asymmetric Warfare And Apple Pie

Asymmetric warfare is as alien to average 21st century Americans as the Martian landscape.

Yet it is a term more readily heard in the media nowadays promulgated by the nations defense planners and used quite frequently in reference to the war on terrorism.

Asymmetric warfare is...

Politics 704 Words

Artists Biographies on Film: Top Movies ...

Visual artists biographies is a popular theme in the movie world. Moviemakers have always been fascinated by visual artists biographies, especially if it includes struggle with insanity, drug addiction or social conventions. In addition, it gives them an opportunity to depict original or...

Politics 591 Words

Art Theft: Most Famous Cases in History

Art theft is an ancient and complicated crime. When you look at the some of the most famous cases of art thefts in history, you see thoroughly planned operations that involve art dealers, art fakers, mobsters, ransoms, and millions of dollars. Here you can read about some of the most famous...

Politics 669 Words

Argentina’s Economy in a Nutshell

Argentina’s Economy

Contrary to conventional economic wisdom, rich countries tend to stay rich and poor countries tend to stay poor. The exceptions tend to be those “economic miracles”, like Japan, that have lifted themselves from the ranks of the poor into the ranks of...

Politics 1272 Words

Are You On The No-Fly List? What You Can

Are You On The No-Fly List? What You Can Do

Each day, millions of Americas board an airplane. Although many of those individuals do not have a problem, others do. One of those problems may involve the no-fly list. While the no-fly list was designed to make air travel safer, there are...

Politics 699 Words

Are You Fired Up About America? Nothing ...

Are You Fired Up About America? Nothing Communicates Like Honesty

One day I was tuning up and down the radio dial as I drove down the Interstate. Time after time, I landed on talk shows featuring callers that were simply dismayed at the direction America is going.

They were...

Politics 416 Words

Are Illegal Mexicans Really Bad For America?

Ive been thinking again. I know some of my readers regard that as a dangerous thing. For instance, the guy who ended his last letter to me with a your hypocrisy knows no bounds. I get these sorts of letters all the time.

But, I have been thinking and, of course, I have been thinking about...

Politics 800 Words

Ar15 Rifle

The M16/AR15 has been the firearm of choice for the U.S. military for a long time. It is lightweight, accurate and reliable. The military uses the 5.56mm NATO round; the civilian version uses a .223 round. A lot of the civilian AR15s will shoot both rounds. The original manufacturer of the AR15...

Politics 336 Words

Another Look at Mahatma Gandhi

Many myths abound about Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand known as Mahatma “Great Souled”) Gandhi (1869-1948).

He was not born to a poor Indian family. His father was dewan (chief minister) of Porbandar, the capital of a small principality in Gujarat in western India under British...

Politics 397 Words

Another Look at Indians (Native Americans, ...

Native Americans are often cast in the role of victims of White aggression and unbridled avarice-driven or gratuitous violence, especially in the territories known collectively today as the United States. But the first massacre was perpetrated by Indians in the British colony Jamestown, in...

Politics 366 Words

Anarchism for a Post-modern Age

“The thin and precarious crust of decency is all that separates any civilization, however impressive, from the hell of anarchy or systematic tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface.”

Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963), British writer

I. Overview of Theories of...

Politics 1385 Words