Depression And Relationships

Depression can be a very lonely illness and your relationships are a key part of how you cope with your depression. You need friends for support. Not just good weather friends but friends who can support you when youre down. If one of these friends is also depressed it is not necessarily a bad...

Relationships 883 Words

Deadly Relationship Habits

How many of you have ever been involved with a significant other who wanted you to do something you didnt want to do? I doubt that Im the only one. By virtue of a significant other relationship, there will be times when our partners will want us to do things we dont necessarily want to do and...

Relationships 1391 Words

Dating online without becoming pray for ...

Online scammers mainly aim at people of different income levels, backgrounds and ages throughout the world. There is not any specific group which is more prone to become a prey of a scam. The practice of Scamming is successful because it looks like real. It seems to fulfill your desire and...

Relationships 497 Words

Dating Brings Dramatic Results To Singles

Hi. My name is Lance. Im a handsome guy with medium built figure and height. I feel that my life is hanging upside down now because of my super shy nature. Although, I get along pretty much well with others and have a bunch of close friends, I feel freezed when I come across a girl. I cant tell...

Relationships 251 Words

Date Lying

A reader of my articles wrote to me about the article I wrote entitled, Why do People Lie? He said that he would be very interested in a similar article with examples about all the lying that women do.At least in the initial stages of dating, women lie sooooo much.

Well, being a woman, Im...

Relationships 766 Words


Now that a sorry geek such as you has finally landed the girl of your dreams and everyone elses dreams, lets get to the hard part. The part where you keep the girl interested in you. This can also be described as the part where you end up selling your family fortunes and end up penniless, but...

Relationships 556 Words

Creating Amazingly Effective and Efficient ...

Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require extra effort to maintain. However, a relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long lasting despite many trials.

Building an effective and lasting relationships is a...

Relationships 724 Words

Coping with stress and anxiety among teens

Most people see the beginning of life once a baby is born. The process of human development slowly unfolds when that infant grows into a cute little toddler — learning the ropes of speech, walking, eating, and playing. Parents, naturally, add Band-Aid and disinfectants to their grocery...

Relationships 678 Words

Compatibility Horoscope

What is a Compatibility Horoscope?

With only 12 signs of the zodiac, you wouldnt believe finding the ideal partner would be all that difficult. Ahhh, but did you consider whether they are Earth, Fire, Air or Water signs, or consider a Compatibility Horoscope? You...

Relationships 614 Words

Companionship Or A Love Affair?

A marriage is like any relationship and has its good and bad times, its agreements and disagreements. No one can expect everything to be wonderful at every minute of the day when two people from different backgrounds and with different feelings and expectations live together. Some marriages have...

Relationships 437 Words

Communication Is Vital For A Healthy ...

When people are told that they need to communicate more they often think that that is an open invitation to talk but there is a complete difference between talking and communicating.

Communicating is an art, and art of combining the ability to express your opinions and feelings in such a...

Relationships 1263 Words

Communication in the Workplace – New ...

Communication in the workplace is very important but with so many people involved, all with different personalities and varying levels of understanding – communication can be difficult and misunderstandings can arise.

Workplaces can be hectic places where messages are flying left,...

Relationships 728 Words