Basis of Zodiacs signs and Horoscopes How

Basis of Zodiacs signs and Horoscopes How truthful it was?

Zodiac signs and horoscopes are quite distinctive in a way that the presence of this traditional prediction still exist nowadays.

Many of us never really believe on zodiac signs and horoscopes, simply because most of ...

Religion 512 Words

Basis of Zodiac signs and Horoscopes, How ...

Basis of Zodiac signs and Horoscopes, How truthful it was?

Zodiac signs and horoscopes are quite distinctive in a way that the presence of this traditional prediction still exist nowadays.

Many of us never really believe on zodiac signs and horoscopes, simply because most of ...

Religion 512 Words

Basic Understanding of Astrology & ...

Astrology existed since time began. Through the study of the planets and signs of the zodiac your future can be forecasted and an understanding of your real self can be known. This is commonly known as horoscopes

At your exact time of birth all the planets, the moon and sun are in a...

Religion 491 Words

Barack Obama the antichrist

1. MABUS: Nostradamus named the Anti-Christ as Mabus. Now try this on for size: OBAMA+BUSH=OBAMABUSH. Now look at the middle few letters of the word. MABUS

2. 2012: Nostradamus said that the world would end in 2012. If Obama wins the elections, he will be president till at least 2012....

Religion 126 Words

Bar Mitzvah Invitations. Mazel Tov!

Bat Mitzvahs and Bar Mitzvahs are a very important time in a teenagers life. It is a time when Jewish teenagers transition from childhood innocence to adult responsibility. They are huge celebrations for all the family and friends of the young boy or girl, and call for all the necessities that...

Religion 420 Words

Bang, Bang,Your Dead.

Zechariah 14:1-14:12

Bang, Bang,Your Dead.
Preaching the Gospel is an exciting adventure into the past, present and future. Many believe that humanity will continue at its present rate and eventually come together in peace and love. Im sorry to say that this is just another lie...

Religion 1198 Words

Baby Baptism: Is It Really Necessary?

Baby baptism is probably one of the most widely misunderstood rituals in the Christian (and many other) faiths. Almost all Christian churches practice Baptism in some form or another. Baptism comes from a Greek word baptizo which loosely translated means to dip, a washing or immersion. However...

Religion 573 Words

Atheists Agnostics and Evolutionists The ...

Atheists Agnostics and Evolutionists The Worst Gamblers in the World

I have seen the odds of having the right amino acids and other components coming together from the primordial ooze and creating life mathematically computed. It produces a number followed by so many zeros that if I used...

Religion 1022 Words

Are You Worthy Enough For Salvation?

In the following Scripture, Paul said he did not frustrate the grace of God.

Gal 2:21
21I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. (KJV)

“Righteousness,” in the above verse, translates a Greek legal term...

Religion 473 Words

Are You Slow to Manifest the Things You Want?

Perhaps you have set out all your goals on paper. You have a clear intent to make things work this time around but despite your best efforts you still have not attracted the money or the quality of life that you want.

If you are thinking of giving up on believing in the law of...

Religion 418 Words

Are You a Victim or a Conqueror?

We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. (Rom. 8:37 Thats a powerful declaration! Let me ask you again: are you the victim of circumstances beyond your control? Do you blame others maybe even God for your fate? Or can you laugh despite all the turmoil inside?

The Lord...

Religion 579 Words