Suggesting you bet the AL over the NL would ...

Suggesting you bet the AL over the NL would be an understatement!

From the first time I stepped in Tiger Stadium in the 60s I have been a diehard American league fan and these days that is a real good thing, from a sports betting perspective. Through last nights games the AL is a...

Gambling Casinos 406 Words

Strip Poker: Adding Zest to a Boring Game

Strip poker is just like any other poker game. The difference in playing strip poker is that players strip items of clothing when they lose a bet. Strip poker has been with us for ages, and contrary to popular belief, strip poker is originally not a sensual, erotic game. Poker developed hundreds...

Gambling Casinos 686 Words

Strategies For Marketing Your Poker Site

For many people – be they laymen, established offline marketers and webmasters- marketing on the internet is becoming more and more complex- as new methods, technologies and trends appear every day. What may have been considered as effective last year would likely be thought of as a waste...

Gambling Casinos 737 Words

Strategies Casinos Use To Keep A Person ...

When entering a casino, you are usually overcome by the lights and the noises of tokens dropping into the bottom of the slot machine; tokens for the latest winner to scoop up into their bucket. Did you ever stop to notice that there are no clocks or windows? Once you enter a casino, you are on...

Gambling Casinos 406 Words


Catchalottos view on why you should never play 1-2-3-4-5-6 in Lotto

A while ago Camelot, the UK National Lottery Official Operator, used to release combinations that were played most commonly. Unsurprisingly, combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 was one of them in that it was entered into each Lotto...

Gambling Casinos 683 Words

Strategic Wagering For Major League Baseball ...

As time has shown, if given the opportunity, people will bet on just about anything and at anytime! Throughout history people have found things to wager on, from cockfighting to bare knuckle fights to horse racing to baseball and much more! In the past, sportsbook betting was limited to fixed...

Gambling Casinos 987 Words

Staying Focused at Online Poker

No matter which poker book you read or which top pro advises you, there is a resounding communal opinion that when you are playing poker, actually watching the play and concentrating on the action at hand is a key part of winning.

While card rooms have a number of elements that could take...

Gambling Casinos 318 Words

#1 Secret Poker Strategy

If you have ever played poker before you know that you can obviously see all the players around you since you play in a circle (unless youre playing online poker). You just figured out the most important part of poker. You may be thinking that thats impossible.

You probably think that the...

Gambling Casinos 551 Words

Starting With Slots

Most beginners arrive at the casino slots with a multitude of misunderstandings in mind. The main one is the way in which a slot should be chosen. Sure, they all slots differ in terms of symbols, style and jackpot amounts, and this is what makes them attractive. And so, this is usually what...

Gambling Casinos 451 Words

Stars Who Play Poker

Turn the channel to any high-stakes poker event, and chances are high that youll see at least one Hollywood celebrity in the thick of the action. With flexible schedules and larger-than-average bankrolls, celebrities have both the time and inclination to hone their poker playing skills in...

Gambling Casinos 935 Words

Online Casinos

Casinos rise and fall faster than you can blink an eye. The first casino was opened in 1941 on the Los Vegas strip; however by 1992 all of those casinos had been demolished to make way for new modern casinos. Online it has been the same evolution with casinos sprouting around every corner of...

Gambling Casinos 594 Words

Online Casinos. Mathematics of Bonuses.

Online casino players know that the latter ones offer various casino bonuses. “Free-load” looks attractive, however, are they really useful these bonuses? Are they profitable for gamblers? The answer to this question depends on a lot of conditions. Mathematics will help us answer...

Gambling Casinos 1637 Words