Golf tournaments – an insight

Once upon a time, the worlds best golfers were all British usually Scottish. Since the early twentieth century, though, most of the leading golfers have been American.

For this reason, the biggest golf tournament in the world is the PGA (Professional Golf Association) Tour, a series of...

Golf 316 Words

Golf Tips On When To Chip Versus Putting

Playing a chip shot from the fringe of a green versus putting through the fringe can be a little confusing for the average golfer. A lot of golfers choose to putt for the fear of not being able to control the distance of a chip shot around a green, and lets not talk about choking a chip shot....

Golf 507 Words

Golf Tips Involving Golf Equipment

Blaming your moves, shots and swings for your golf mishits and mishaps? Well, no matter how much time and effort you have been spending over practicing your moves to perfect your game, you still won’t achieve your goal if you use unsuitable or defective types of golf equipment, will...

Golf 600 Words

Golf Tips for Nasty Swingers

Most golfers have difficulty executing a good golf swing. If you are one of those that belong to the 99.9% that makes nasty swings, I offer you some golf tips, as there are a number of possible reasons for this.

To help you remedy some of these problems, this article offers some golf...

Golf 538 Words

Golf Tips For A Better Golf Swing

Golfing can be an expensive past time, especially if you have to take golf lessons to boot. Taking golf lessons gives you the ability to have someone guide you and spot critical mistakes in your golf swing. There is another alternative to golf lessons even though golf lessons are the fastest and...

Golf 544 Words

Golf Tips Discover The Magic

Golf is a physical and a mental game. There are many ways to impove your game. You can improve your swing, your putting, and your shot.
We will look at a variety of tips for different facets of your game. These are tips for the beginner but a pro could conceivably benefit from their...

Golf 694 Words

Golf Tips Around Trees On The Golf Course

Playing a golf shot from behind a tree or a hazard leaves several choices for the golfer. Having several choices surely can create a big problem. Most salesmen will tell you, leaving too many choices on the table can confuse the sale. I know that I am way off topic here, but having more than a...

Golf 943 Words

Golf Tips: The Simple Secret To Solving The ...

The slice is a shot which usually starts off slightly to the left, then swerves to the right in the air. The slice is a common fault that occurs in many beginners game and has to be one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a golfer. In most cases, the slice is uncontrollable and is...

Golf 443 Words

Golf Tips Whats Your Score?

If youve ever wondered about your composite score or your handicap, you now have an incredibly easy way to come up with those figures. Several companies offer the option to use software or Internet websites to keep your scores over a long period of time. These computer programs will also give...

Golf 310 Words

Golf Tips Whats the Latest Gadget?

With the ever-increasing popularity of golf among both men and women, theres a constant quest for the next gadget that will help players improve at the game. And as is the case in almost any market theres no shortage of companies offering gadgets and gizmos promising just that. So how do you...

Golf 303 Words

Golf Tips Tips To Improve Your Putting

If you are seriously considering lowering your scores, then you must take your putting seriously, as roughly half the strokes you play in a round of golf are likely to be on the putting green. However good you are at driving, pitching and chipping, if your putting is not up to standard, you will...

Golf 684 Words

Golf Tips The Secret And Crucial Role Of ...

Golf Tips The Secret And Crucial Role Of Alignment In Supercharging Your Game!

The alignment is an absolutely crucial and vital part to any golfers game. You swing round your body, therefore if your body is offline, your swing in turn will be off line and out of sync, resulting in a poor...

Golf 513 Words