In 2008, Loy Krathong will be celebrated on November 13th. If you search on the Internet, you may find the date listed as the 12th, 24th, or even the 27th. From everywhere I searched, the consensus is the 13th of November. You may also find different spellings with different phonetics like...
Caveat Emptor: Let the Renter Beware
This a good motto for business travelers to take to heart. While the same can be said for families and individuals looking for rentals, the rental business is made and maintained by business travelers, and there are very few business men, especially older ones, who have not experienced some...
Carpool to Save Money, Save the Environment ...
Carpool to Save Money, Save the Environment and Reduce Traffic
Are you tired of traffic jams, increasing air pollution and ever increasing fuel prices? Do you want to do something about all this?
Now you can by forming a carpool. Carpools are an excellent alternative to public...
Caribbean Travel Guide
All there is to know about the vacation destination of your dreams that is exactly what a Caribbean travel guide offers. But are Caribbean travel guides really godsend? Or are they just patronizing materials designed for commercial purposes?
Well, theyre a little of both actually. After...
Caribbean Cruise Tours
Ever dreamed of going on a Caribbean Cruise but dont know what to expect when you get there? Well, to start off, you have to know what the Caribbean is. Its a region of the Americas thats located in between North America and South America.
When you think about the word Caribbean, youre...
Car Rental Israel – Israel Driving ...
Are you planning to visit Jerusalem and seeking a good car rental Israel deal? What about your car hire Israel? Here is a useful Israel Driving Guide to help you drive safely in your car rental Israel all over the Holy Land.
International Drivers License Car Rental Jerusalem
Car Rental – Time & Money Saving ...
Lowest Rates Vs. A Good Bargain
The thing is, Car Rental market is very competitive one and rates differences for comparable quality and service are relatively small, sometimes as small as $10 to $20. These minuet price differences are going to vanish in the wind when you consider the...
Car Rental: The Basics
Its easy to get mixed up the first time you look to rent a car. When scanning various advertisments, do you ever flip back and forth, completely unsure of whether or not you’re getting the best deal? Not even sure if you can figure out which one is the best deal? Whether this is your...
Canadian Citizenship Exam
A condition of acquiring Canadian citizenship is passing the Canadian citizenship exam. All citizenship applicants between the ages of 18 and 54 must write and pass the Canadian citizenship exam in order to become a Canadian citizen. The citizenship test will measure your comprehension of...
Can Your Flight Be Legally Overbooked?
Overbooking is not illegal, and most airlines overbook their scheduled flights to a certain extent in order to compensate for “no-shows.” Passengers are sometimes left behind or “bumped” as a result. When an over-sale occurs, the Department of Transportation (DOT)...
Camping Holiday Tips For The Beginnner
With forethought and a little imagination your camping trip can be very enjoyable and a bit of an adventure. Before I go off on holiday I always have a practice in my garden and make sure I can remember how to put my tent up. When my tent is erected this also gives me the chance to check that...
Camino de Santiago de Compostela:A Modern ...
The need to go on pilgrimages has always been a human characteristic. People have long trodden paths to destinations that promised miracles or penance, or to atone for sins. And even in this rational age, people are drawn on spiritual quests to the sacred sites of the world. In the Christian...