Enjoy Excellent Beaches In Hawaii

In the South Pacific Hawaii is comprised of six tropical islands. Hawaii is one of the most picturesque visitor destinations you can find in the world. The excellent beaches and many outdoor activities that Hawaii has to offer makes for an excellent tranquil setting. Many unique zoos such as the...

Vacations 488 Words

Hello From Sicily Exploring Stromboli

Due to bad weather yesterday we spent the entire day docked at Santa Marina di Salina but we had nevertheless a great experience during our driving tour of the island, with expert guidance provided by two locals. Our first Italian lesson had also progressed smoothly and a quiet dinner capped off...

Vacations 1387 Words

Enjoy Diversity And Accessibility In The Big ...

From historic attractions and world class museums, to the high tech wizardry of CNN Studios, Atlanta has something to suit nearly every taste. And, thanks to the 1996 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the majority of these attractions are now wheelchair-accessible. That’s good news for...

Vacations 765 Words

Sanctuary Of Truth

The 3 or 4 trips I have had to Pattaya, I have gone out on at least one trip. These have been difficult as waking up at noon is early for me while on holiday. But, I have made it a point to see at least one point of interest and have had a good time everywhere I have gone.

The first time...

Vacations 447 Words

Enjoy Costablanca Weather All Year Round

The weather in the Costa Blanca region of Spain is mild all year round and is one of the driest areas in the country. The southern part of the Costablanca region below Alicante has the mildest weather, enjoying approximately three hundred days of sunshine annually. The Worth Health Organization...

Vacations 422 Words

San Sebastian Tours

San Sebastian also known as Donostia-San Sebastian is the capital province of Gipuzkoa in the basque country, Spain. Surrounded by beaches this place is blessed with pristine beauty located on the Basque coast of northwest Spain 20 km away from the French border. Strolling on the La Concha...

Vacations 509 Words

Hello From Sicily Exploring Salina, The ...

Hello From Sicily Exploring Salina, The Island Of The Twin Mountains

After our explorations of Lipari and Salina yesterday the weather was going to keep us on the island of Salina today. I woke up early at about 6 am and stuck my head out of the boat. A beautiful sunrise was in the...

Vacations 1401 Words

San Francisco Union Square Hotels

San Francisco is a city of great architecture which is engulfed by beautiful fog. San Francisco is located on the west coast of the U.S. at the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula and includes significant stretches of the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay within its boundaries. Several islands...

Vacations 516 Words

Enjoy Convenience At Murcia Airport

Just five kilometers from Murcia Airport in Spain you will find the beautiful and charming city of Murcia, which is filled with character, culture, history, and wonderful sights. When you travel to this popular airport you can reach the city with ease, and this will save you a lot of time and...

Vacations 583 Words

Enjoy Comfort And Convenience With Holiday ...

If you are planning to travel to Tuscany, Italy, on holiday then you will have a very pleasant vacation experience ahead of you. This is a popular destination in Europe with plenty in terms of natural beauty as well as attractions and entertainment, and the ideal way to make the most of your...

Vacations 495 Words

Hello From Sicily Exploring Lipari And A ...

Hello From Sicily Exploring Lipari And A Sicilian Seafood Dinner In Salina

My first afternoon and night on a sailboat had gone surprisingly well. After our little late night excursion into the town of Lipari I had slept like a stone, only to awake this morning at about 8 am to see in...

Vacations 1900 Words

San Francisco Fisherman’s Warf Hotels

San Francisco is a city of great architecture which is engulfed by beautiful fog. The city is located on the west coast of the U.S. at the tip of the San Francisco Peninsula and includes significant stretches of the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay within its boundaries. Several islands are...

Vacations 500 Words