Speeding tickets could cost you much money and additional points on your record. That is why it is encouraged that you do try to keep your speed within the limit. This not only decreases your chances of getting pulled over by a traffic enforcer. This also helps you out in decreasing your chances...
How Do You Parallel Park?
Most drivers would attest that parallel parking is possibly one of the hardest parts that they would have to learn in driving. Even experienced drivers would even share that this kind of move actually still brings some sweat out. On the other hand, automobile experts suggest that if you would...
How Cost Effective Are Hybrid Cars?
There seems to be no stopping the oil companies, as the price at the pumps continues to rise to astronomical heights for a myriad of reasons, valid or not. Civil wars in Nigeria, international conflicts in Iraq, hurricanes and other storms at home and abroad are all reasons gas companies posit...
How Chris Bangle Saved The World: The 2006 ...
How Chris Bangle Saved The World: The 2006 BMW 5 Series
Hes mad, they all said. Then they all started copying the BMW design chiefs ideas. Whether you like his work or loathe it, Chris Bangle is the most influential car designer of the 21st century. His visual energy was a hallmark of...
How a Woman In Cleveland Paid 89 Cents For a
How a Woman In Cleveland Paid 89 Cents For a Gallon Of Gas and How You Can Too.
In August of 2005 the price listed as the price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas was $2.29. That same day Kellie Courtney of Cleveland paid only 89 cents a gallon. Marion Charvat paid $1.09 a gallon. ...
How a GPS device can make your trip more ...
How a GPS device can make your trip more efficient and worthwhile
I pretty much use my portable GPS navigator in my car every day, like when Im going to visit my relatives in Mississippi. I usually like to drive out there since Im up here in Chicago, and Id rather not take a plane. If I...
Hot Weather: The Culprit Behind Car Battery ...
Summer is the season for major car battery problems.
Heat, not cold, shortens battery life, says the Car Care Council. The average life of a battery is three and a half years, and even shorter in warmer climates.
Excessive heat and overcharging are the two main reasons for...
Hot Cars Take Time and Effort
Auto show hobbyists find themselves meting new challenges as they begin the process of preparing their entries, whether they are working on an antique, a classic, or a new vehicle. Finding how to use the best automobile detailing supplies to achieve the wanted results is a matter of trial and...
Honda Sneak Peek: The Fit?
Credit Honda with not giving up easily in what will certainly become a big fight: the sub $15,000 price range category of new automobiles. Currently, only a stripped down Civic competes in this area and I mean stripped: no a/c, basic tranny, no radio! With Toyota’s Scion brand catching on...
Honda Fit: Made To Fit Lifestyles
Honda is launching yet another vehicle in the United States and the rest of North America. And this time around, it would be called the Honda Fit.
The Honda Fit has already been making its rounds in Europe and Asia. And it has already been reaping in success for it is already one of the...
Honda Accord: Midsize Divisions Best Selling ...
Welcome the new 2006 Honda Accord. This vehicle is a family sedan that holds four doors. It has the maximum passenger capacity of holding five people. It also comes available in 17 various trims that ranges from the VP 5 Spd MT to the EX V6 5 Spd AT with Nav System and XM Radio. Standard for all...
History Of Porsche
The history of Porsche began in 1948, June 8th to be exact. That is when the first two seater 356 was produced. There were 51 hand built Porsche 356/2 automobiles built in Austria. This model had a 40 hp 1.1 liter center engine.
The Porsche 911 rear engine automobile was introduced in...