How many pieces of plastic do you have? Are you a credit card fanatic? You know, one of those individuals that acquire as many credit cards as possible? Now, first of all, this may get you into a serious financial bind. Sure, credit cards are a great way to deal with an unexpected expense, and can no doubt save your butt at times. However, these tricky little cards can also dupe you into spending carelessly. We all know their typical spiel. Those clever credit card companies know just what you want to hear. That’s why your mailbox is consistently filled with offers for 0 apr credit cards. They love to pitch that; don’t they? Let’s face it; we all light up at the number 0. It immediately tells us that we won’t lose anything. Ha, that’s a good one. But, while these 0 apr credit cards start out benign, they soon turn sinister. Suddenly the apr is through the roof, and you’re shelling out tons of cash for interest rates every month.
When you checked your mailbox today, were there any pitches for 0 apr credit cards? I’m going to go ahead and guess there was at least one. Now, the question is; are you going to rip it open and read the...