10 Questions To Consider When Selecting An Online Video Store
We all heard about Netflix and some people are rather disappointed with the service, while others are simply seeking a new DVD by mail company.
So how do you know which DVD by mail company is good for you? The following questions are provided to help you seek out the best:
1. Find a company that offers a complete categorical breakdown of what you expect at their site. There are DVDs that are selected based on your previous choices, Expert Picks, Highest Rated (among members,) Most Popular, New Releases, New To DVD, Coming Soon, Recent Reviews and Oscar Winners. With categories like these, it is easy for you to just click on what your interested in and move on to the next website.
2. Pricing. Are you really getting the best deal? Most DVD by mail companies will offer a trial service, but how much does it cost once the trial is over and how much will you being paying biweekly, monthly, annually etc.? To date, most DVD companies charge $9.99 a month.
3. Are there any specials, sweepstakes, or discounts offered for long-term membership? Why join any company that isn’t rewarding...