Being Able to distinguish the Cards of a player would help you to save youre money when you have a bad hand and win you the pot when you have a good hand. Of course, you cant see what cards youre opponents have. The only thing you have is there facial and body expressions. In this 2 part guide, I will teach 10 of the best tips on the net. These are amazing secrets that will help you win every dollar on the table you are playing at.
The tells of a player range from what they do to how they act. You have to look at what youre opponents are doing AT ALL TIMES. Pay attention to there every move and look for the following signs which will help you win every Texas holdem game. Read the following 5 tips very carefully and please print it out as a reference.
1. The way the a player arranges his chips is one of the main signs you have to look for. This is a tell that can help you identify and classify youre opponents before the game begins.
Now the secret is whether or not the player keeps there pile of chips neat or messy. If the player keeps there pile neat, 9 times out of 10 that is a tight player. This means that they will not bluff often and you have to expect...