It takes more than mere information to engage website visitors. They need a reason to make an inquiry, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy your product. So how can you get the visitor to stop skirting around the edges and come right on in? Take a look at the following 10 ways that can help convert your site visitors to leads.
1. Improve your Web Copy
As with all good web copy, trim the fat and give them the cold hard facts. Visitors want to know how the service or product will fulfill their want or need. Compelling, interactive, well written content will pull the reader in. How can you make sure you have good web copy? Follow some of the basic principles of good copywriting and youll be fine. Make the copy concise, and speak to the target audience. Remove all the hyped up marketing lingo such as we have a fantastic product and weve had overwhelming results.
2. Its About the Customer
Everyone wants to know Whats in it for me? The customer may have a problem and want a solution, or they are looking to invest in a product but need to be convinced its a good choice. Your goal here? Show them the solution. Tell them the benefits of the...