Desktop backgrounds and wallpapers are one of the easiest customisable options for any computer user, however inept. Most people choose a picture of their favorite celebrity, car or escapist destination. Others choose animated wallpapers, often depicting an idillic mountain stream or a white sand beach with breathtaking ocean views.
A new style of simple, safe, tasteful and incredibly easy to install animated wallpapers are on offer from These GIF animated wallpapers are 100% office safe and can provide entertainment or inspiration for anyone viewing.
Often when working with a computer for hours on end, and the monotony associated with office life (generally), people become bored and listless. These wallpapers aren’t going to change your office into a club 18-30 party, but they are tailored for office staff amusement because they were designed by office staff.
Each original animation displays a series of amusing quotes, phrases, captions, anecdotes, facts or brain teasers. The animation runs constantly and can be seen whenever all your windows are closed or minimised. With many variations, regular updates and new animation’s...