15 Tips For What To Do With Your Sewing Pattern
What to do with a sewing pattern once you take it out of the envelope.
You have searched the pattern books, found the perfect pattern for your material and now you are off home to make it up.
What is the first thing you need to do?
You will have selected a pattern for your size, when you open the envelope, everything is folded neatly.
1. Take the instruction sheet and it will show you how to set out the pattern on your fabric, there will be the lay-outs for the different widths of fabric, and for with or without nap. Some fabrics you can cut out your pattern pieces in opposite directions others you will have to lay the pattern pieces all going the same way or else the fabric will show a different shade, velvets and corduroys are a good example.
2. Cut around the edge of the seam allowances with paper scissors, not the scissors you will be cutting the fabric with.
3. Always check the pattern pieces against you, you can pin the various pieces together and try it on to see if there needs to be any adjustments before you start cutting the fabric.
4. With your fabric right side...