2 Marketing Strategies to Make Money Online with Affiliate Programs!
Thefirst strategy to make money online is building a list.
This strategy is the most important step to continue tomake money long term. If you do not already have some type of autorepondersystem you need to get one. Dont be cheap here either because your entirebusiness will hinge on this one piece of software.
You can build your list many different ways. You can buyleads from reputable list building companies and get them into yourautoresponder. Most good list building companies will have an option to send anemail to your autoresponder so you dont have to manually input the leadsinformation.
Another effective way of building your list is from thetraffic that visits your website. This step, which is probably the most effective,does require you to have a website in order to implement an opt-in list form. Of course if your Affiliate program does offer a list management service thenyou can send traffic to the affiliate URL, but I dont recommend it as you willusually not be able to email the entire list with special offers.
To make the most of your opt-in form and get...