There are many things to take into consideration before you are ready to place your order. You will first want to make a list of the people you plan to send the Graduation Invitation or Graduation Announcement to. This will help you to avoid a shortage of invitations. After you have the quantity you need, you will want to make sure you have all the correct information regarding the actual Graduation. You will need the place and the time of the Graduation. When choosing a verse, you will want the wording of your Invitation or Announcement to be written in a way that meets the requirements of the school. Some schools only allow a few family members to attend, where other schools allow you to invite as many people as you like. You may want to consider sending out an announcement verses an invitation if your school has a limit. An invitation invites them to attend and an announcement contains information that informs them that the event is going to happen or it has already happened.
One of the great advantages of ordering your own personalized Graduation Invitations or Graduation Announcements is the ability to order your Graduation Announcements or Invitations and...