First airing in November 2001, 24 quickly established itself as one of the best television series around and solidified itself as a cult classic icon. Utilizing a novel premise, each season of 24 comprises a single day in lives of its characters, with each of the 24 episodes representing a one-hour time segment of that day. Kiefer Sutherland stars in the imminent role of Jack Bauer, a government agent periodically faced with enormous challenges within a single day. Each season is reminiscent of a fast-paced Hollywood action thriller, but it’s only a busy day in the life of the heroic Bauer
Season 1 unfolds in Los Angeles during the California presidential primary as CIA agent Jack Bauer and his colleagues uncover a murderous plot to assassinate front-running candidate David Palmer. With only 24 hours to uncover the identity of the determined killer, Jack must race against the clock if he has any hope of thwarting the plot. Meanwhile, Jack is distracted by his crumbling marriage and the disappearance of his rebellious teenage daughter. The clock is ticking Can Jack save the man who may become president? And can he do so while keeping his family intact?
The 24...