3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job
You work for a company that has been going through a lot of changes and upheaval. Word is going around about lay-offs and you worry you will be next. If youve been an exemplary employee and the lay-off is not because of anything youve done, be sure you ask these three questions as you are being handed your Pink Slip:
1. Ask for a Letter of Reference. You can use this to help you land that new job because it will be beneficial to have a letter that praises you and your accomplishments. This will show future employers that your termination was a business decision and not because of any wrong-doing on your part. Most people forget to ask about this, and it is difficult to try to go back later and ask for one.
2. Ask about severance pay. You are not automatically guaranteed this unless it was stipulated in your employment contract when you were hired.. Typically, one week of severance is given for each year of service to the company, but this can be negotiable. And, especially if youve recently finished an important project, been honored or achieved a major goal, be sure to remind them. It may buy...