So, you think youd like to start a day care but where to start? Lets assume you know nothing about the industry except that it involves children!!! Thats pretty much the position I was in when I started my day care 10 years ago and I spent a year and a half researching and learning before I got going. Before you go running for the hills in dismay allow me to cut short the research time a little with some pointers on how best to prepare for the exciting adventure that is Starting a daycare business.
Your first port of call should be your business plan. Every successful business starts with a well thought out version thus enabling the entrepreneur (you) to get a clear, overall picture of what your business will entail. Many people get to the business plan stage and no further due to a realisation that the project is unfeasible for whatever reason. Better find out now than after you have ploughed a lot of time and money into starting a business going nowhere.
The business plan covers all vital elements of starting and operating a business – introduction / description, benefits, market research, key financials and conclusion. I found it to be a great checklist...