I have heard the rumblings of many of you in Readerland about the recent spike in gasoline prices. In fact it’s all I seem to hear about lately. But at least it keeps you from rumbling about the infrequency of my columns and articles. Nonetheless, I have decided to try to help you get through this crisis by generously providing: 3 Ways to Combat Rising Gas Prices!
1. Don’t Drive Your Car
This is, of course, the most obvious solution. If you never take the old Plymouth out the driveway, then it won’t matter that at current gas prices it takes $125 to fill up the 30 gallon gas tank, or that you only get about 2.51 miles to the gallon. If you never drive, you could care less.
Of course, I know what you’re going to say. “But Tim, I have places I need to go-like work. And the kids have school and soccer practice. And then there’s grocery shopping and yoga lesssons and dinner at the Richardsons and blah blah blah and….” Ok, I get the point. Not everyone can sit around the house writing not-so-funny articles and searching the Internet for Drew Barrymore
photos like me. I fully understand that some of you have a...