The most successful businesses make it a regular part of conducting business by asking their customers and suppliers for feedback. They want to know how they can improve both their products and services. They want their customers to find it a pleasure to work with them. They have a goal of delighting their customers. The only way they can do this is by asking for direct input. The encourage complaints.
You should do this too. Ask your friends for feedback about you. Are you boastful? Are you fun? Are you shy? Are you easy to get along with? This isnt about finding our flaws or bashing your ego. This is getting a good look at who you are. Ive already discussed taking your inventory to get a better look at yourself. Now, its time to bring in others to help you.
You can do this informally or formally. You can ask your friends to let you know what your three greatest strengths are and what your three greatest weaknesses are. You can ask them what they like most about you, or least about you. You can ask them open-ended questions and let them give you as many or as few attributes as they like. Ask them if they could change one thing about you, what...