Reward cards are a way for credit card companies to give a little back to their customers. You can take advantage of this by selecting a rewards card that gives you rewards for doing what you do anyway, be it paying for your pet, shopping online, or going out for a night on the town. With that in mind, lets take a look at four of the best Visa rewards cards available:
Pet Rewards Visa
This card can be personalized to display a photo of your pet, or the card holder can choose from three stock designs. Its a good choice for pet owners with feed and veterinary bills. Card holders receive 500 bonus points after their first purchase, plus one point for every dollar spent on everyday purchases. Two points are earned for each dollar spent on purchases from participating vet clinics, feed stores, pet stores, and animal food retailers. Customers can start earning rewards with just 750 points accumulated, and those points can be put toward veterinary services, discount certificates for pet food, and donations to animal shelters.
Chase Amazon.Com Platinum Visa Card
If you do a lot of shopping online at the retail giant Amazon.Com, this is the card for you. When...