4 Inexpensive Ways To Turn That Old Booth Into a Sparkling Oasis
Is your trade show booth beginning to show its age? Have people seen your booth so many times that you’ve gone way past branding and on to boooooring? Are you just wishing you had the money to buy a new trade show booth, but can’t scrape enough together to purchase one?
Well, you’ll be happy to know that it really isn’t necessary to buy a whole new trade show booth. You can fix up the old one in no time flat AND with little pain to your bottom line.
One of the first things you can do to spruce up that old trade show booth you have is to buy or plan on renting some nice palm plants or other large plants to put out front. Plants and greenery not only help disguise some of the booth’s wear and tear, they create an extremely inviting and welcoming environment. The really great thing is that most convention centers and exhibit sites have greenery available for you to rent which saves you a great deal of money in shipping and freight charges-not to mention the wear and tear on your back!
Another inexpensive way to perk up a tired-looking trade show booth...