4 Tips For Betting At Horse Racing. Horse Racing System And Top Betting Strategies That Do Win.
Let’s face it beating the bookie is tough.
It’s a scandal… They collect the money, and then drop the odds seconds before the race starts, leaving you and the rest of the punters, out of pocket or short changed… even if you did pick the winner! In This Article, I show you tips on how to win at every bet.
Margins are usually tight enough without giving away your hard earned cash to greedy bookmakers or self appointed guru’s for “insider information” with no proof or guarantee the horse will actually win… It’s easy to run up a 100 phone bill calling a tipster every day for one or two winners a week.
Sound familiar?
Statistically around 30 to 40 percent of all favourites usually win, yet still the bookies rake in more cash than most of the punters put together… they just don’t care if the favourites win or lose!
What if you could bet like a bookie?
Betting on horses is something that many people have done at one time or another, but most people dont know a great deal about...