In my early post-college years a few select friends, Sam and Pete, shared the same interests that I did older women and poker. We started going out on Thursday nights to a certain bar that would usually have women in their 40s recently divorced or single for other reasons. We called it 40s night. We would usually hit the bar around 8 pm, after the gym and after a few beers. Some nights were dead; others were a bit more exciting. On this one particular night we ran into three other women, Dawn, Melissa and Kelly. Melissa was sporting a t-shirt that said Double D scrawled on with a sharpie marker. First instincts were, I guess she must want someone to ask. Thinking it had to do with her anatomy we headed over to strike up a conversation. Turns out the Double D, meant Delightfully Divorced, not what we were thinking.
Melissa and a few pals were out celebrating her recent divorce which happened to be finalized that day. After exchanging pleasantries and drinking until closing with them, they asked where we were headed too. My on again off again girlfriend was at our house (I was with Sam and Pete for moral support) and Sam was living with his Aunt so those two places were...