IT Networks though simple, require extensive planning to ensure stability, yet we often encounter businesses that are acquainted with the imperative role networking plays in the efficient functioning of their company.
Informed business entrepreneurs often opt to upgrade their networking systems to suit their organizational structure. Although upgrading is an expensive, time consuming process, its benefits are ten fold. Though, there are some small size companies that insist on having a Windows XP workstation function as a network server, this decision may eventually lead to decrease in efficiency and productivity of the entire Information Technology environment.
Network Consultants should always analyze the nature of your business so as to recommend a networking/Information Technology system that would be the best fit for your business. IT Consultants should evaluate both hardware and software requirements to guide your company through the pros and cons of various networking options that your business may be considering.
From a network consulting standpoint, these are five common problems that are either neglected by businesses or not included in the...