It is becoming more common but the big question I get when talking to people is Why use a blog?.
Off the top of my head I can think of 5 major reasons.
A blog is:
Easy to update
Easy to get started
Liked by the search engines
Creating feeds automatically
Allows people to interact with you
Before I start let me take just a minute to define the term blog. The following is quoted from Dr. Mani one of the earliest marketers to embrace blogs.
A blog is short for web log a sort of online personal diary where anyone can reveal his/her innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams, ambitions, fears, hopes you get the meaning.
Yes, its a website. With one small difference. It lists posts ordered by date in a personal journal format, and is easier to create than a website just involves typing into a form and pushing the PUBLISH button
The ease of push button publishing of most blog platforms make them one of the easiest web sites to update. On most platforms you dont need to know HTML though it does help. If you can create a word document you can update a blog.
They are extremely easy to get started....