5 Steps To Credit Card Debt Reduction And Money Saving With A DIY System
Have you succumbed to the lure of credit cards and found yourself in a bit of a pickle because of it?
Pull up a chair and have a seat – Welcome to the ever growing club of consumer debt. Your biggest challenge now is to dig yourself out of this situation and avoid having to pay anyone to help you do it.
The options at this stage are usually as follow (depending on the level of credit card debt):
Consolidate into a loan.
Debt Management.
Do Nothing.
Just pay off the cards over as long as it takes.
Make the minimum payments and keep spending.
Make an effective DIY plan.
The more popular solutions – such as consolidation loans and debt management -we see being touted everywhere are the ones that put your money in other peoples pocket. I dont know about you but for me becoming free from debt should not involve spending more money, or *borrowing your way out of debt*.
So how does a DIY system work?
To break it down into 5 steps it looks something like this:
1. Address your spending habits...