5 Tips To Save Big On Your Next Car Loan
If you think about it, the most grueling part of the car-buying process, after agreeing on a price, is acquiring the right kind of loan for your new or used car. Most consumers enter the car dealership completely unprepared for the loan application process, and that lack of knowledge and planning is costing them millions of dollars every year.
If you want to create a win-win situation for you and the car dealership you purchase your car from, there are five steps to take before you sit down at the negotiation table: get your credit report, surf before buying, go local, speak the language and be prepared to negotiate.
1.) Get Your Credit Report
You cant pick up a personal finance article, magazine or book that does not refer to the importance of knowing what is on your credit report. Despite the fact that modern media has been beating us over the head with this advice for the past couple of decades, most people do not know their credit score or check their credit report on a regular basis. You can get a copy of your report by directly contacting the three credit bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian...