Youve spent hours researching, writing and self-publishing your book. Now, you want to reap the benefits of selling it yourself, but where do you begin?
Here are five simple tips to help you get started.
1. Figure out your market.
Bookstores are lousy places to sell books, says self-publishing guru Dan Poynter in USA Weekend . Find the places where your audience gathers and sell directly to them. If your book is about cats, go to pet stores.
To start selling your book, take the time to research your target audience. Who will be interested in purchasing your book and sharing it with their friends?
Once you know your target market, look at the places they shop and spend their leisure time. What media venues do they watch, read and listen to on a regular basis?
Create a list of all potential organizations, business and groups. This will give you a good understanding of the online sites and brick-and-mortar locations where you need to focus your marketing efforts.
2. Spread the word.
When you are ready to start selling, dont be shy. Talk about your book, carry a copy around with you and look for every opportunity to mention...