6 Common Doubts That Most Beginners Of The Martial Arts Experience
The martial arts offer a very valuable journey of self-discovery. There are different stages within this journey all the way from beginner to black belt and beyond. At each stage there are different challenges and obstacles. This article will look at the common doubts that most beginners of the martial arts experience on their journey.
1.Is this really for me?
This is a big question at the beginner stage and also at the intermediate stage. In fact this question will need to be answered on numerous different occasions all the way up to black belt, and maybe even then too!
Self-doubt is not a bad thing, it is a way for you to take a step back from your training and logically ask yourself if karate is still for you. Only you can answer this question but to make sure that you continue to give karate a chance I recommend that you focus on three things: why did you get started in the first place; what has karate done for you so far; and what do you still hope to get out of your karate practice?
If you still feel that karate has a lot to offer you then your answer to question #1...