Thought leads to belief, and belief leads to attitudes. Attitudes influence while beliefs inform actions, and ultimately actions become habits which shape character that then forges destiny. This is the growth path that is taken by that powerful entity known as Thought.
But what is a Thought, anyway? Are thoughts things? What constitutes a Thought? What cannot be considered a Thought?
For a thing that occurs about 50,000 times a day in an average person’s brain, I have come to believe that there are actually 6 dimensions of thinking and at least 1 way of steering your thoughts so that a desirable destiny can be dictated by you.
This is probably a relief to those of you out there who are nearly going mad over the 26 (or was it 23?) dimensions of quantum physics. Perish that thought! Let us get on with the 6 dimensions of thought, shall we?
The 6 dimensions of thought are divided into 3 pairs of dimensions, and they are:-
1. The 2 Polarities of Thoughts:
– Positive
– Negative
2. The 2 Qualities of Thoughts:
– True
– False
3. The 2 Kinds of Thoughts: