Having a bad credit can be detrimental to your financing and places a number of hurdles in front of you when it comes to availing loans. Having a poor credit score can happen to anyone for a number of reasons ranging from not paying debts off to missing payments on bills. Luckily, there are ways that you can go about improving your credit score.
1. Pay on time
This is by far the most obvious way to improve your credit score, yet is still worth mentioning. It doesnt matter if youre only a few weeks late or a few months late, paying your bills late will result in a lower credit score.
2. Pay down debts
This is tricky because you want to have debts paid off almost to its entirety, but not completely. Your credit score is a reflection of how well you manage your credit, but if you pay off your debt completely you have no credit. The best way to approach this is to pay off most of your debt, but leave a little extra to manage.
3. Assortment of credit cards
Similar to paying off your debt is showing that you can manage different types of credit cards. This is not to say that you should have 10 different credit cards, but having a few...