It is my intention that these marketing tips will help you avoid common mistakes made by the majority of loan officers. Heed this advice!
Mortgage Marketing Tip #1
Make your advertising and print media more effective by having a headline on everything: letters, greeting cards, ads, everything.
Headlines are what get the reader. They make them want to read more. They tell the reader what benefit he/she will get from reading more. And that’s exactly what you want them to do.
Make the headline powerful and include a benefit.
3 things you can do today to improve your credit
Here’s something you might enjoy
I started thinking of you when I read this article
Make sure to include a headline in all your media and it will increase your results.
Mortgage Marketing Tip #2
When you do something for a client, brag about it.
What I mean is, if you accomplish something, make it a big deal.’
“Mr. Hity, I was holding my breath for a while, and that collection on your credit report made it real close, but I fought for you and got the lender to approve your...