Network marketing is a numbers game. The more people you introduce to your opportunity, the more money youll make. To start generating a steady stream of traffic to your site, try these 7 creative techniques:
1. Write and Distribute Articles, Reports and Ebooks. Internet users are all interested in one thing information. Use this to promote your business by creating high quality content and allowing others to reprint it for you. One great way to do this is to distribute a brandable ebook or special report. This is one that a website or list owner can change to include a reference to their website. This doesnt mean that it looks like they are the publisher, its just a way for them to include information on where the ebook was downloaded from and (if applicable) to include their affiliate link for your products and services.
2. Participate in Newsgroups, Forums, and Mailing Lists. There are hundreds of forums online and you can find one for almost any topic imaginable. Most allow you to include a signature line that will be attached to every message. This is a chance for you to advertise your site. Visiting these forums to post thoughtful questions and offer your...