One of the goals a writer has in copywriting is to convince the reader. Good, authoritative copy is very easy for readers to trust because it sounds more truthful and caters to their wants, needs and interests. As a result, response rates are better and there is a higher likelihood that the desired results are achieved. Integrating a tone of authority in writing a copy is a studied process but it is not entirely impossible. Here are the top 7 ways you can improve your copy and make it more influential and convincing:
Know your topic
Never write copy about a subject you have little or no knowledge about. If you want to prove you have authority in writing that copy, you should be able to show your audience or readers that you know exactly what you are writing about. Your readers can tell if you’re only bluffing.
Prove your experience
Another way to show you have authority in writing copy is by proving you have the correct experience about the subject. You can’t write about rocket science with authority if the closest you’ve ever come close to a rocket is by watching a fireworks display.
Use your USP
Every product, idea...