8 Danger Signals to foretell you are on the debt road
Danger signal 1
Your credit card expenses increase while your income is the same or decreasing. When this happens stop using your cards and manage on whatever cash you have available. Stop when the cash is finished unless there is a great emergency do not take out the cards. Diminishing income will suffer greatly if the bills of the credit card are added to it; get away from card shopping till your income stabilizes.
Danger signal 2
You are unable to pay more than your minimum balance on the card debts; this is when it should be obvious that cash problem has started; this is the time when you should leave the credit cards and try to pay off all your outstanding by wise financial management.
Danger signal 3
You find yourself borrowing on one card to pay on another. This is the message that you are entering unmanageable debt so take charge and control all unnecessary expenses right away. Try to pay off the debt of one card and use only one card that also only in acute emergency.
Danger signal 4
You observe that you have more than 5-6 credit cards. Ideally, you should not...